Manufacturers, by the very nature of their business, are continually making adjustments. Some days they’re…

Accelerate Your Business
If you want to accelerate your business, gain more customers, and reduce operational costs in 2019 then, as a business leader, you need to position yourself to plan for this success. Real-time data is an essential component in accomplishing these goals.
Accelerate your business, gain more customers and reduce operational costs, sounds like the Trifecta that all business leaders wish they had forecasted and now could cash in. Business leaders must position themselves to plan for success and this plan must be tuned each day to ensure the performance will achieve the desired results. Today, we live in a demand-based civilization no different than that of ancient times, other than the element of our customers, vendors, distributors, partners, and investors all wanting information, answers, and results right now in real-time. Business leaders today must adapt to the pace of the these demands and the attempts of competition to consume you because dramatic changes are constant. Some businesses have a very hard time keeping up while others are changing so fast that they ultimately crash and burn.
This means that decisions must be supported by truth in measured information and leaders must have foresight and access to business dashboards that help support and direct these decisions. The pace and the preparation are critical to ensure that the right core system and the right team to implement are chosen. The most difficult decision is when to start looking and when to start the process of selecting an Enterprise Resource Management platform that will reduce manual decision-making processes like spreadsheets, gain account, sales and cash visibility through real time dashboards. Real-time data integration with any system can be accomplished with a new service from EIS called AcuSync, where key data points are exchanged real time across multiple systems. If you make a change to a product price then all sale related information, retail systems, and pending sales – quotes can be updated from one point of entry, allowing all employees access to one core system to gain access to all the information they need.
Acumatica Cloud ERP:
- You can access the application through a secure log-in from anywhere in the world and on any device.
- Manage your financials, distribution, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, customer relationship management, project accounting and service management in one place.
- Combine data from multiple sources and uncover insights with Acumatica’s BI tools and dashboards.
So, what’s stopping you from hitting the Trifecta!