Manufacturers, by the very nature of their business, are continually making adjustments. Some days they’re…

The Comfort Zone and Why it is Time to Escape
My Grandfather is a very intelligent, yet stubborn old man. He starts his morning routine the exact same way every day; he wakes up, gets dressed, sits down at the old table in his kitchen with a cup of coffee, and reads the newspaper, which means he is reading about news that occurred 2 or 3 days before. This has been his daily routine for 20+ years and it seemed like it would never end, until we finally convinced him what he was reading was most likely way out of date. Unfortunately, newspapers cannot be updated every second with the most current news. Alternatively, the internet is filled with day to day news that is relevant and up-to- the second.
The same is true with ERP software. Before I expound on this, allow me to explain ERP software. Enterprise Resource Planning is a business process management tool that allows a company to use integrated software that will display up-to-date information about the accounting, finance and operations of a business.
Now I know what you are thinking, what does ERP software have to do with an old geezer reading obsolete news? Well, businesses do the same thing as my grandfather by using outdated software, such as Quickbooks, who has been around since 1983, and can easily become outdated and slow down processes of a business. Thanks to cloud technology, ERP software can show current, up to date and relevant data about your company. Software like Acumatica allows you to oversee the accounting, finance, and operations of a business from your computer, smart phone or tablet. This cloud-based system can revolutionize any business and efficiently supply accurate data about multiple departments at any given time.
To quote a Bob Dylan song “The times they are a-changing”. The world around us transforms faster than ever before. The internet brings us up-to-date news that a newspaper cannot compete with, and new ERP software like Acumatica can supply relevant, immediate data that older software struggles to make available. No one wants to have antiquated ERP systems just like no one wants to hear old news. Upgrade your software so you do not find yourself doing the same routine in 20 years with obsolete data in this fast-paced business world.