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Groundhog Day: Business Edition

Through my experiences traveling across the world, there have been times where we travel to the same place multiple times. For instance, I have been to Germany 7 times in 20 years. After going to Germany so many times, it would seem like it would get old and repetitive like Groundhog Day. When we plan the trip, we actually find different ways of traveling to new locations within Germany by consulting other resources such as travel blogs and recommendations from the locals. Utilizing these resources, my family and I have been grateful to enjoy many years of travel to the same country but having different experiences every time.

Businesses need the same sort of variation. Going day-by-day, year-to-year using the same processes over and over again can get outdated, causing your business to be left behind in this technology driven economy. It is time to start thinking outside the box on how to expand your business. TRI Solutions has the resources and the experience to help guide our clients and expand their businesses. There are two ways we can drastically develop a larger, more productive organization – we can assist in finding the right technology resources for your business and show you a new ERP system to implement to allow your business grow.

By assisting with new technology resources, we can also find you personnel that are a perfect fit for your business. Hiring new personnel is a great way to expand your business acumen and add new, innovative ways of doing business. Hiring new personnel is similar to my family asking other people where we should visit in Germany. New hires can bring fresh ideas from their experiences and expertise, improving your bottom line and processes.

Another way you can expand your business is by acquiring a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system such as Acumatica. Acumatica is a cloud-based ERP system that can help handle your businesses finance, operations, and accounting. This system can help save valuable employee time and can integrate custom dashboards to show real time data about your company. Imagine Acumatica as the new website my family uses to find new places to travel to in Germany. Acumatica offers methods to enhance your current business workflow, allocating more time for you to find new ways to expand your business.

Don’t fall into a cycle of repetition in your business. Work with TRI Solutions to expand your business beyond horizons you did not think imaginable. Remember, Groundhog Day was a funny movie, but in real life and without Bill Murray, living with the same system you have been utilizing for years can get old very quickly.

Matt Painter Anderson High School in Austin, Texas. He is currently an honors sophomore at the University of Alabama, seeking an Accelerated Master's Degree in Operations/Supply Chain Management in the Culverhouse College of Business. As a freshman, he was selected as an Ambassador for the college. He is also a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and serves on the Scholarship Committee. His internship at TRI is ongoing as a blog contributor and assistant to the marketing director.

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